Ooooo la la!

Today was one of those "Ooooo la la" days. Got up spent some time with the children (Lucy, Ranger, Mix, Dakota, and Sadie), some great time with God, then headed to lunch at a downtown cafe called A Spot of Tea with Tom, a fellow Harley rider. Yeah. . .two Harley dudes eating at a sidewalk cafe. So. . .

After some more riding I decided to head to Dauphin Island. Dauphin Island is little community located off the coast of Alabama. There were lots of bikes out doing the same thing I was doing. It was a great ride!

So. . .just in case you were wondering what I did today, now you know. What did you do?



Anonymous said…
I sold Sprint/Nextel phones at the corner of Buffalo Speedway and Highway 59 in Houston Texas. Big fun....whatever!

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