I've received some notices that I need to update the blog. And until I began to update it I hadn't realized how long it has been since my last post. WOW!!
Alrighty then. . . here's some updates on several fronts:
Tomorrow morning our church, including the Free Riders motorcyle club of First Baptist North Mobile, will be doing an extreme makeover on a couple of homes in the area. I'm pretty stoked about doing it. It's part of our Extreme Makeover - Church Edition. We are in the middle of our stewardship campaign to raise money for upgrades to our facilities. And as part of the campaign we are going to help some families in the area with their own extreme makeover. What a great idea, eh?! The only problem I have is that we are meet AT the church at 6:00 am Saturday morning. Who came up with this idea? They don't know me very well, do they? If they did they would know I don't even like to get up that early, much less be somewhere else at that time. Oh well, I'll be here, on my Harley, ready to go and paint, saw, hammer, and whatever else we need to do. Just remember my motto - "If there's a hammer in my hand, there will probably be hole in the wall."
Played golf for the first time in about 2 years. We had a tournament at the Silver King Golf Course to raise funds for the extreme makeovers we are doing this Saturday. Silver King is the first golf course in the state of Alabama to be alcohol-free! I did fairly well for not having hit a golf ball in almost 2 years. Definitely could have done better, but only lost one ball the intire day! Our team didn't win, but we had the most fun, that's for sure! Besides winning is everything . . . is it?
Last night our pastors and several men from our church served as wait staff for our Ladies Night Out event. It was a lot of fun serving our ladies. Iris Blue was the keynote speaker. She has an incredible testimony and the most gracious way of sharing it. She is captivating, funny, and honest about her life before Christ and her life after Christ. If you get a chance to hear her or looking for lady to inspire, motivate, and model for your folks contact Iris. She will definitely bless you.
North Mobile has a new Student Pastor. YEA!!! I'm glad for me and for our student ministry. Bobby will be a great asset to our staff and the student ministry. He has a passion for students and missions - and combining the two. I am very excited about the future or twotwentytwo minsitry.
Got the yard done last week. Man! That took a while, but it looks good and now I've got something to work with this summer. I am trying to drain the pond. There is so much algea in it I was using a leaf rake to pick out what I could. Almost finished. Still have a little bit in the bottom. Then, I'm going to wash it down really well and fill it back up again. A friend has some plants that float in ponds and eats algea - mmmmmm! Where were these plants back in '05?
Well. . .hope this helps. I plan on updating more often now that I have the time to do so.
Later 'Gator,
Alrighty then. . . here's some updates on several fronts:
Tomorrow morning our church, including the Free Riders motorcyle club of First Baptist North Mobile, will be doing an extreme makeover on a couple of homes in the area. I'm pretty stoked about doing it. It's part of our Extreme Makeover - Church Edition. We are in the middle of our stewardship campaign to raise money for upgrades to our facilities. And as part of the campaign we are going to help some families in the area with their own extreme makeover. What a great idea, eh?! The only problem I have is that we are meet AT the church at 6:00 am Saturday morning. Who came up with this idea? They don't know me very well, do they? If they did they would know I don't even like to get up that early, much less be somewhere else at that time. Oh well, I'll be here, on my Harley, ready to go and paint, saw, hammer, and whatever else we need to do. Just remember my motto - "If there's a hammer in my hand, there will probably be hole in the wall."
Played golf for the first time in about 2 years. We had a tournament at the Silver King Golf Course to raise funds for the extreme makeovers we are doing this Saturday. Silver King is the first golf course in the state of Alabama to be alcohol-free! I did fairly well for not having hit a golf ball in almost 2 years. Definitely could have done better, but only lost one ball the intire day! Our team didn't win, but we had the most fun, that's for sure! Besides winning is everything . . . is it?
Last night our pastors and several men from our church served as wait staff for our Ladies Night Out event. It was a lot of fun serving our ladies. Iris Blue was the keynote speaker. She has an incredible testimony and the most gracious way of sharing it. She is captivating, funny, and honest about her life before Christ and her life after Christ. If you get a chance to hear her or looking for lady to inspire, motivate, and model for your folks contact Iris. She will definitely bless you.
North Mobile has a new Student Pastor. YEA!!! I'm glad for me and for our student ministry. Bobby will be a great asset to our staff and the student ministry. He has a passion for students and missions - and combining the two. I am very excited about the future or twotwentytwo minsitry.
Got the yard done last week. Man! That took a while, but it looks good and now I've got something to work with this summer. I am trying to drain the pond. There is so much algea in it I was using a leaf rake to pick out what I could. Almost finished. Still have a little bit in the bottom. Then, I'm going to wash it down really well and fill it back up again. A friend has some plants that float in ponds and eats algea - mmmmmm! Where were these plants back in '05?
Well. . .hope this helps. I plan on updating more often now that I have the time to do so.
Later 'Gator,