Warfare Weekend

The week after the Ten Towns Tour was completed we hosted our Disciple Now weekend. We called it Warfare Weekend. The point of the weekend was to help equip students for battle on the front lines of life as a student.
It was I N C R E D I B L E!!, to say the least. We had over a 100 studentsk, with 150-175 people involved throughout the weekend. Now. . .you must know one very important thing - THIS WAS MY FIRST D-NOW WEEKEND - E V E R! the only that got me through the weekend was the most faithful staff - thanks Whitney, Lor, and Stephen - and a devoted team of volunteers who took up the slack, filled in the gaps, and encouraged me in more ways than they will ever know. I also relied upon one very important passage of Scripture - 1 Corinthians 9:8
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
Let me tell you about grace. Without God's grace (of which these wonderful people were) I wouldn't have had a clue. With it - we had a weekend to remember.
The Lucas Parry Band provided the worship and concert on Saturday night. Lucas and the boys brought a unique mix of backgrounds, passions, abiblities to make God the focus of worship - NOT themselves. Pat Cammarata of There Is More ministry challenged and encouraged our students while bringing the Bible to life. Pat is a former student pastor and definitely knows how to get students' attention and hold it while challenging them. I would definitely recommend either of them for your next student activity/retreat/conference (Yes, this is a shameless plug for these guys. They deserve every bit of it.)
How do I know it had an impact on our students? Last Wednesday night was open mic night for both our JV (middle school) and our Varsity (high school) worship times. In each of those opportunities students were sharing how God used that weekend (including speaker and band) to convict them, challenge them, motiviate them, and draw them closer to God. Can't beat that!
I must say, it was one of the most extraordinary weekends of my life. I can't wait to do it again. There's something about hanging with students and watching God change their lives. It is simply amazing!
Resting and Recuperating,