Toys for Tots Ride
Well, I did it. I made it through my first group motorcycle ride. It was the Toys-for-Tots ride sponsored by the U.S. Marines (hoora!). I left early this morning - yes it was after 7:00 am and somewhere in the 30's. Stopped by Wal-Mart and picked up a couple boxes of Hot Wheels. I mean, c'mon - what red-blooded 'merican boy doesn't like Hot Wheels? Plus the boxes fit in the bag on my bike. Win-Win for everyone.
I showed up at U.S. Marine and Naval Reserve Center a little before 9:30 thinking I was early (registration wasn't supposed to begin until 9:30). When I arrived there were already a parking lot full of bikers from all walks of life riding bikes of all shapes and sizes.
While I was walking through the crowd I ran into Tom. Tom is part of the Singles Ministry at First Baptist North Mobile. A friend of mine took this picture of Tom and me.
We loaded up and headed out about 10:00 am. It was an incredible sight to see motorcycles for as far as the eye could see. It was also pretty cool to be around others who think motorcyles were a great way to get around.
Tom and I rode together as we made our way to Lulu Buffett's in Gulf Shores. For those who may not know it, she's Jimmy Buffet's daughter. This is where we ended the ride. We parked our bikes, stretched our legs and our backs, picked the bugs from our teeth and headed in for a bite to eat and hang out with bikers.
Tom and I met Paul and Dick and sat together to share a bite to eat, stories, information, and life. Here's Tom, Paul, and Dick. We tried to get Paul to change his name to Harry so we would have Tom, Dick, and Harry, but he wouldn't go for it. Oh well. Paul is still a great guy. We shared some great stories as well as a lot of laughsl.
After lunch Tom and I loaded up and headed home. We stuck to the back roads and enjoyed evey minute. On occasion we would hook up with a some other riders making a small group of our own.
Neither Tom or I needed to get home right away so Tom showed this great out-of-the-way beanery in Fairhope. We stopped in for a GREAT cup of coffee and hanging out. The Coffee Loft (click for a map) is one of those places where you can just hang. Know what I mean? Anyone and everyone is welcomed to come in, sit, relax and just hang! I think I will find my way back to The Coffee Loft soon.
Well. . .we made it home safe and sound. I met some really neat people, hung out with Tom - thanks for the sharing your coffee spot with me, and hopefully, helped some children somewhere have a wonderful Christmas.
I can't wait 'til my next ride. See you on the road!
"Bugs" Shipp
I showed up at U.S. Marine and Naval Reserve Center a little before 9:30 thinking I was early (registration wasn't supposed to begin until 9:30). When I arrived there were already a parking lot full of bikers from all walks of life riding bikes of all shapes and sizes.

We loaded up and headed out about 10:00 am. It was an incredible sight to see motorcycles for as far as the eye could see. It was also pretty cool to be around others who think motorcyles were a great way to get around.
Tom and I rode together as we made our way to Lulu Buffett's in Gulf Shores. For those who may not know it, she's Jimmy Buffet's daughter. This is where we ended the ride. We parked our bikes, stretched our legs and our backs, picked the bugs from our teeth and headed in for a bite to eat and hang out with bikers.

After lunch Tom and I loaded up and headed home. We stuck to the back roads and enjoyed evey minute. On occasion we would hook up with a some other riders making a small group of our own.

Well. . .we made it home safe and sound. I met some really neat people, hung out with Tom - thanks for the sharing your coffee spot with me, and hopefully, helped some children somewhere have a wonderful Christmas.
I can't wait 'til my next ride. See you on the road!
"Bugs" Shipp
I know what you mean about not having Karen around. I'm learning as well.
Then, again, maybe - more like probably - Lynn's style isn't bad, just different.
And let that little girl have some fun!!