Just a Day to Relax

I'm kind of liking today - for now. I'm just hanging around. I have some things to do, but there's no hurry, at least not in my own mind. Today may be one of those hang out, ride the bike, run some errands, rest, and have fun days. We need these kind of days every once in a while.

I'm watching a show on the Discovery Channel about Navy Seal training. I always wonder if I would be good and tough enough to make it through the training?

Oh well. . . I think I'll get up and check out the shower and the tooth brush. Then I'll crank up the Harley and enjoy the sunshine!

Hope you are having or will have a great day!!



faithrunner said…
Yeah, rub it in...I did take a two hour lunch for a spin class at the Y, but was up for a meeting a 0700 and will go to 2030 tonight...you would make a great seal...


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