Going Home

Came home last night. Home? Where's home? For me that could be a lot of different places. You see, my father was in the US Navy for the first 14 years of my life. So home became wherever we were stationed. Usually, that meant every 2-3 years we were moving. Eventually, home became Waxahachie, Texas. Waxahachie is about 30 miles south of Dallas, Texas.

So what does it mean to "come home." For me it means seeing familiar places and familiar faces. It means seeing relatives I don't get see very often, especially living out of state. It also means seeing changes that have taken place. Change happens, but MAN!! This place has changed a lot sinced I lived here.

But, inspite of the growth and the change that has taken place - by the way growth and change are not bad things, just different - it means being comfortable. Here I don't have to be anyone and meet anybody's expectation. Most of the people who know me here have seen the many sides of Mike Shipp. No need to start now being someone I'm not or living up to someone else's expectations.

Coming home is good! Would I live here? Great question. At some point. . .yeah, I think so. Waxahachie is still home and it's always good to "come home."

What about you? Like going home?



Anonymous said…
I can relate about the "home thing". Even though we are back where we were raised and married and had our kids, "home" is still LUfkin to me. I miss it even though we love it here. Everything was so easy there because you know where everything is and you know everyone(just about). One of my favorite things about living there is that you never went out to eat or anything without running into someone you knew. That happened for the first time yesterday when I went to SAm's and ran into my niece.
"Home" is where your people are and they are scattered 300 miles apart right now.
Have a great Christmas!
Anonymous said…
wondering really where home may be... it is in Mobile. I have lived here most my life and I love it. But coming out of the valley is relating to the fact that home is where the heart is. I turn to this which helps me through the valleys and trying to much to anyalze life. I have been told I do that to much try to "anaylze life". (I sought my GOd and my God I could not find, I south my soul and my soul eluded me, I south my brother to serve him in need, And I foudn all three - My God, my Soul and THEE!.....But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and the shall walk, and not be faint... ISIAH 40:31 Then, I get in my convertible and take the top down and just ride.... and somehow I come out of the valley.... Take care. Kathy
Anonymous said…
wondering really where home may be... it is in Mobile. I have lived here most my life and I love it. But coming out of the valley is relating to the fact that home is where the heart is. I turn to this which helps me through the valleys and trying not to anyalze life. I have been told I do that to much try to "Analyze life". (I sought my God and my God I could not find, I sought my soul and my soul eluded me, I sought my brother to serve him in need, And I found all three - My God, my Soul and THEE!.....But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and the shall walk, and not be faint... ISIAH 40:31 Then, I get in my convertible and take the top down and just ride.... And somehow I come out of the valley.... Take care. Kathy

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