Chronicles of Narnia

I'm reading the book (almost finished) and I've seen the movie. I've also listened to a friend's sermon about part of the story. It's ALL good!!

If you haven't seen the movie, I highly recommend it! The story, the characters, the actors, the effects. I didn't find anything I didn't like about the movie.

The Chronicles of Narnia is well worth the price of admission. Don't miss this one.

If you haven't taken the time to read the book I encourage you to do so. The two together bring the story to life.

Tomorrow night I'm planning on seeing the mid-night showing of King Kong. It's 3 hours long. That means I won't get home 'til AT LEAST 3:30 am. What am I doing? Oohhhh. . .pray for me!

Better get some rest.

"Movie" Mike


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