Driving and Cell Phones!

By now you have probably figured out that time on the road for me is simply time to get from point A to point B - as quickly as possible. This leads me to another pet pieve - cell phones and driving. What happens when someone places there cell phone next to their head while they are driving? I'm not sure, but something definitely happens. It is called CPDI - Cell Phone Driving Interference

I'm not sure of all the causes of CPDI. Maybe the signal interferes certain physiological functions within the brain. Regardless of what actually happens, you rest assured something definitely happens. I do know that those who suffer from CPDI suddenly loose all ability to drive a car and carry on a conversation on a cell phone at the same time. I also know it is more likely to happen when a cell phone is placed upon the ear, next to the brain.

Now hear me and hear me well, if this is you - STOP IT! The rest of us are tired of your inability to do both at the same time. Get treatment!!

Let me give you an example from a recent observation. A couple of weeks ago my father and I were leaving the Home Depot in Lufkin. While we were waiting to pull out I noticed a truck in the center turn lane waiting to make a left-hand turn into Home Depot. While he was waiting another driver came from his right, turned in front of him into Home Depot, talking on their cell phone. The driver never acknowledged the gentleman in the truck waiting to turn. She was completely oblivious to the fact that this man could have, save the fact that he saw her in time, pushed her car to the next intersection. Did I say the other driver was a woman? (I'm going to get email for this one) It has nothing to do with whether the other driver was a woman or a man. I've observed that CPDI is not a respector of gender. If affects both men and women. It does seem, however, to be more prevelent in younger drivers.

Now I'm not against talking on cell phones and driving at the same time. If you can perform both functions at the same time by all means do so. I use a hands-free set that allows me the freedom to drive and talk a the same time. I know, some of you are not surprised - at least by the talking part. But if you can't - don't.

Remeber, the first step to recovery is acknowledging you have a problem. Acknowledge it, take responsibility for it, then get help.



Anonymous said…
Hmm, somehow I knew you would say it was a woman before you even specified gender... haha. I would guess that in the next few years this phenomenon will continue to diminish among younger drivers due to the fact that many of them who have cell phones now have had them since they were twelve. Next problem, baby boomers with cells.
MikeS said…
Brad is right. Need to watch for those boomers who are still trying to tackle technology and life.

But do remember - CPDI doesn't care who it effects. If it's you - get it taken care of!

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