"Come to me…"
Mr Chambers has done it once again. His thoughts on a very particular portion of Matthew 11:28 started me thinking…and now you're thinking, " What the Holy Moly?! " I know…right? Jesus says, " Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. " What an incredible invitation! Jesus, in all His glory & power simply implores us to " Come to me… " And this is where I begin thinking and processing this beautiful and powerful invitation. So what keeps me from coming to Jesus? What does it take to come to Jesus? It's not like I can use Jesus as a matter of convenience. Coming to Jesus is anything but a matter of convenience. No, it's not about my convenience. In the end, coming to Jesus is a matter of subduing my pride. It's about a matter of the heart & mind. It's literally coming to the end of myself and the beginning of Jesus. It's when we come to Him with a humble and submitted heart...