Do You Feel Alone?

. . .If God is for us, who can be against us? - Romans 8:31

Sometimes, probably a lot more than I would like to admit, I feel like I'm the only one on this journey as a Christian.  Yet, Christ says He will be with me to the end of this age (Matthew 28:20) and God says He is for us. . .for me.  Man, it's so easy to forget this very important fact. . .isn't it?  Ok, maybe it's just me.

Yet we have victory in Christ (1 John 5:4-5) and that victory doesn't happen on my own, but in & through my relationship with Christ whom God did not spare and gave up for me (Romans 8:32)!

As I think about it - why would God sacrifice His own (and only) Son for a losing cause?  We won't even consider putting our money or time behind something that might fail.  Yet, here's God offering up His Son. . .and it was't for a losing cause.  I'm not a lost cause.  You're not a lost cause.  The church is not a lost cause.  In fact, there are no lost causes when it comes to how far God will go, and did go, for us.  

If God did not offer up His Son for a lost cause, that means the church and and God's sovereign plan is going to win. . .succeed!!  Remember Romans 8:31 - If God is for us, who can stand against us? That also means God will not abandon me.  It means I will not, and am not, alone in this journey as a Christian, no matter how alone I may feel.

Thank you, Father, for being with me!

Thank God that He has not and will not abandon you.  Thank Him for the victory you can live in Christ!



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