The Like Button

I've been a part of Facebook since 2007. I remember when "poking" someone was cool or collecting or sending badges was funny. But one thing I have trouble with sometimes is the stinkin' Like button. Here's why. . .some people don't know when or how to use it. If you think about it for a second you will probably remember a time when you didn't know whether you should comment on a friends post or not so you just hit the Like button. . .or you saw where someone else did and you thought, " What? " You know what I'm talking about - like the time a friend lost a loved one and your or someone they know "Liked" it. What?! What are you liking? That does not make any sense to me. Or take any tragic event in a person's life and I will guarantee you someone will "Like" it. I think people Like stuff so frequently that sometimes they don't even think about what they are Liking and don't stop to consider what it mea...