Phone Solution

For all those out there waiting with bated breath. . .wondering whether or not I solved my phone crisis. . . well, I did.

I really wanted to go with the iPhone, but because I need mine more for work and we use a PC-based network, I chose to go with. . . . . . . . .(this is where the drum roll kicks in). . . . . . the Blackberry Bold.
It gives me texting, access to up to 8 email accounts, third party applications, and syncs with my MS Outlook - calendar, tasks, contacts. I can show movies on it - it even has HD capabilities. Sound is great and picture is amazing. It also includes GPS, Wi-Fi, mobile streaming, and file editing.

I'm still checking out the features and tweaking things. I'll let you know in a month or so how I like it.

Thanks for your input
Mikeberry Out!


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