My Hero
If you read my last blog you know that George Hall Elementary, the school where Cindy teaches, has been recognized and received a couple of national awards.
She is so cool. Yesterday I found out that at the beginning of the year the teachers committed to having 75% of their students writing at specific level. Cindy is the only 1st grade teacher who not only reached the 75% mark, but she surpassed it by a huge margin - 88% of her students reached or surpassed the level for 1st graders at the end of the year. The closest teacher to her had only 71% of their students reach that level.
On top of that, her students should be reading at a 1.9 level (the level a first grader should be reading at the end of the year). Yet, many of her students are reading at a 2nd grade and some even at a 3rd grade level.
So this one's for Cindy! Way to go Sweetie!
You're my hero!