
Today we will celebrate the life of Tammy Litton. We will - and always - praise the Lord for her salvation and the confidence we and the family have in knowing she is spending eternity in heaven. We will also rejoice in her life as a godly mother and wife.

But we also hurt. We hurt for her loss. We hurt for her family. We hurt for the pain her loss brings to First Baptist North Mobile and the Litton family. Ed wrote a great post about her and the influence she had on her family. Take an opportunity to read it today (I borrowed this picture from his blog. Pastor Ed, I hope you don't mind.)

As I have asked before, please pray for our church and for the Litton family as we/they say goodbye to Tammy - friend, mother, and wife.

Remembering and Praying,


faithrunner said…
Praying for you and your church as your grieve. I will pray that many people experience God through all of this...

Anonymous said…
My thoughts and prayers are with you, the church and espeically the Litton family as they gieve not only for today but for the days to come...
May everyone see God in all of this...

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