Trip to Paradise
I have always liked Colorado. I don't really care where I go in Colorado I just love being there. I don't know if its all the stuff there is to do - camping, rafting, skiing, hiking, cycling, mountain biking, trout fishing, etc. - the beauty of the mountains and valleys, or if it's watching the sunrise or set over the mountains. For me it's probably all the above. Then again, it could be because you have some really good friends there that make all that stuff even better.
You may remember that I was taking a trip to Denver - Parker, CO to be more exact to see Grant & Amy English. Grant and I went to seminary together while we served at Legacy Church as interns. We also fished, camped, and did small groups together. So we had some good stories to relives and a great time catching up and laughing. It didn't hurt that March Madness was just getting started, either.
I had a great trip. Got to Denver International Airport and couldn't find Grant. Walked around a little went to the curbside pickup. . .nothing. Then it hit me. Here are two techno-geeks who have emailed each other at least a couple of times before my fist plane took off and neither of us had the other's cell number! What were we thinking? Actually, we weren't thinking. It didn't take long before I looked up and there he was. But wait, it gets better.
We are also picking up his pastor, Ray, and Ray's wife Margie who are flying in from California. This gives us a chance to get the introductory "How's things going?" stuff out of the way. Wel. . .Ray and Margie come in, we introduce ourselves to each other, and head to the parking lot, get outside when Grant realizes he doesn't have Ray's keys.
***I'm laughing just thinking about the look on Grant's face***
So Grant runs back into the airport to all the places where we had been sitting and talking - nothing. He finds the lost and found and asked the person there if anyone has turned in some keys. The attendant tosses Grant some keys and says something like, "Here." Without even knowing if they were the keys Grant was looking for the attending hands them over. Grant heads back to the parking lot. And yes, they were Ray's keys.
I had a great time with the Englishes. Thank you guys for being such great hosts. Grant and I headed to the Denver Art Museum - and yes that is DAM for short. They even print it that way. It gave us ministerial types a sense of cussing and feeling like we were getting away with something. You know, "That DAM coffee shop." "That DAM gift shop." OK, so it's only really funny to us pastoral types. Sorry.
Man, did I have a great time. Leaving was hard. Not only did I love the company I was keeping, but I loved the place. I've been to Colorado several times - skiing, camping, mountain biking, fishing. Once, Karen and I vacationed in Colorado. We spent an entire week living out of the back of our Trooper, sleeping somewhere different every night. It was a blast, probably my favorite vacation of all time. I don't like leaving Colorado, but I always know I will return. This time was different. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay. I wanted to wake up and see the mountains. . .smell the air. . .hike the trails. . .sleep under the stars. Maybe, just maybe, God will be gracious enough to allow me to live there one day. Maybe.
Here are some shots of my trip. Enjoy!
Let's start with my hosts, shall we?
Here's Grant & Amy with Cooper, Camber, and Cayden (Hint: don't ask about their children's names all starting with "C". It's an entire story unto itself). And Cayden - there's more Little Mermaid when I come back.
I had as much fun with Cooper, Camber, and Cayden as I did with Grant & Amy. Though, I must say, Amy can STINKIN' COOK!!! Thanks for the great meals.
Here's some pictures of the Denver Art Museum and some of the surrounding architecture.

Now let's get a look at some of the mountains to the south and west of Denver. Know this - if Mike goes to Colorado, you will have some pictures of the mountains. Because of time - or the lack of it - I was unable to get closer to them. But these will do for now.

I can't wait to get back up there. Maybe for some mountain biking or some skiing. Who knows.
Grant and Amy - thanks I really needed that.
You may remember that I was taking a trip to Denver - Parker, CO to be more exact to see Grant & Amy English. Grant and I went to seminary together while we served at Legacy Church as interns. We also fished, camped, and did small groups together. So we had some good stories to relives and a great time catching up and laughing. It didn't hurt that March Madness was just getting started, either.
I had a great trip. Got to Denver International Airport and couldn't find Grant. Walked around a little went to the curbside pickup. . .nothing. Then it hit me. Here are two techno-geeks who have emailed each other at least a couple of times before my fist plane took off and neither of us had the other's cell number! What were we thinking? Actually, we weren't thinking. It didn't take long before I looked up and there he was. But wait, it gets better.
We are also picking up his pastor, Ray, and Ray's wife Margie who are flying in from California. This gives us a chance to get the introductory "How's things going?" stuff out of the way. Wel. . .Ray and Margie come in, we introduce ourselves to each other, and head to the parking lot, get outside when Grant realizes he doesn't have Ray's keys.
***I'm laughing just thinking about the look on Grant's face***
So Grant runs back into the airport to all the places where we had been sitting and talking - nothing. He finds the lost and found and asked the person there if anyone has turned in some keys. The attendant tosses Grant some keys and says something like, "Here." Without even knowing if they were the keys Grant was looking for the attending hands them over. Grant heads back to the parking lot. And yes, they were Ray's keys.
I had a great time with the Englishes. Thank you guys for being such great hosts. Grant and I headed to the Denver Art Museum - and yes that is DAM for short. They even print it that way. It gave us ministerial types a sense of cussing and feeling like we were getting away with something. You know, "That DAM coffee shop." "That DAM gift shop." OK, so it's only really funny to us pastoral types. Sorry.
Man, did I have a great time. Leaving was hard. Not only did I love the company I was keeping, but I loved the place. I've been to Colorado several times - skiing, camping, mountain biking, fishing. Once, Karen and I vacationed in Colorado. We spent an entire week living out of the back of our Trooper, sleeping somewhere different every night. It was a blast, probably my favorite vacation of all time. I don't like leaving Colorado, but I always know I will return. This time was different. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay. I wanted to wake up and see the mountains. . .smell the air. . .hike the trails. . .sleep under the stars. Maybe, just maybe, God will be gracious enough to allow me to live there one day. Maybe.
Here are some shots of my trip. Enjoy!
Let's start with my hosts, shall we?
Here's Grant & Amy with Cooper, Camber, and Cayden (Hint: don't ask about their children's names all starting with "C". It's an entire story unto itself). And Cayden - there's more Little Mermaid when I come back.

I had as much fun with Cooper, Camber, and Cayden as I did with Grant & Amy. Though, I must say, Amy can STINKIN' COOK!!! Thanks for the great meals.
Here's some pictures of the Denver Art Museum and some of the surrounding architecture.
This is the Denver Art Museum
(actually it's the new building)
(actually it's the new building)

This building serves as parking garage, lofts, and office space. I really like the eclectic look and use of the architecture of this building. Oh. . .and that's Grant in the foreground.

Now let's get a look at some of the mountains to the south and west of Denver. Know this - if Mike goes to Colorado, you will have some pictures of the mountains. Because of time - or the lack of it - I was unable to get closer to them. But these will do for now.
This is Pike's Peak to the southwest. Karen and I drove up it during our Colorado vacation.

These are some of the mountains to the west.

Here are some mountains to the northwest.

I can't wait to get back up there. Maybe for some mountain biking or some skiing. Who knows.
Grant and Amy - thanks I really needed that.