The Same, Yet Different

I made this centerpiece for my coffee table in the living room. I found a bunch of red Christmas balls that Karen used for some kind of decoration and wanted to do something with them, but there wasn't quite enough for what I wanted to do, so I bought some more and added the gold Christmas ball. I DO have my creative moments.
For me, it represents Christ's divinity coming to humanity. Christ is like the gold Christmas ball It's like the other ones - similar in size and shape, but it's also different. It stands out from all the other ones. Christ was like us in size and shape. He was like us in how He entered humanity - as a baby. He was like us in how he encountered life and the temptations that go along with growing up in this world. But He was different. He stood out. He lived a life unlike any to that point in time or since. He did things no man had ever done and has never done since. He WAS the same, yet different.
I thank God today for his Son - the same as me, yet different (I'm sure there are many of you who would agree and are thankful, so quit smiling). Thank God with me, won't you?