What's in Your Wallet?
I got a new wallet the other day (thanks Mom) and began the effort of moving things over from ol' faithful to the new one. Now, my wallet is pretty small - enough to get some cards in there. I don't carry pictures of anyone, I don't carry a bunch of stuff I don't need. So I didn't have much to switch, but Guys - have we ever stopped to look at the stuff we put in our wallets? Where does this stuff come from? There were things I could swear was put there by the wallet gnomes, because I don't remember EVER putting these things in there. I had receipts, membership cards to places I don't remember ever joining or haven't been to in I don't know how long, and punch cards to places I can't remember ever getting punched. Man! I don't know about you, but I can't complain anymore about the black holes my wife uses to keep her things in.
Side Note: Speaking of wallets - what's up with those guys who carry these things that are so big that when they open them they take up the entire counter. Get a "man bag"!!
So I'm using the new one now. It's nice. It fits, I like it, and it's clean!
What's in your wallet?
Side Note: Speaking of wallets - what's up with those guys who carry these things that are so big that when they open them they take up the entire counter. Get a "man bag"!!
So I'm using the new one now. It's nice. It fits, I like it, and it's clean!
What's in your wallet?