
Showing posts from October, 2013

Faith and Pleasing God

Hebrews 11:6  - " And without faith it is impossible to please God. . ." One thing I'm learning as I delve deeper into the Scriptures is that I need to stop and camp out sometimes.  Guess that's what I love about Oswald Chambers.  He has the unique gift of unpacking a verse or part of a verse that makes me think and see deeper into God's Word and into God, Himself. Hebrews 11:6 was one of those for me this morning. The depth of this verse is not easily seen.  I mean, on the surface it's about faith. . .right?  But as Josh White reminded me recently, we Christians often have a vocabulary more robust than our understanding.  We through around words like faith.  We use them in sentences.  We quote verses on or about faith.  But do we stop long enough to get it. . .I mean really understand it?  Because if we did it would change our relationship with God and with the world. The faith the author of Hebrews is referring to is the kind ...