Wish It Wasn't Monday. . .
At least not this Monday. For some reason, I'm wishing it wasn't Monday. Kinda wish it was my day off. . .again. Usually I'm the guy who kicks off the week by getting out of bed, heading downstairs for some coffee and time with God. Then it's get dressed and run into the office to see what needs to be fixed, replaced, and what's on the calendar & to-do list for the week. I'm the guy who likes to get up when it's still dark. . .and quiet. I look forward to it. And, yes, many think I'm weird and I would never qualify to be a student pastor (and for other reasons noted here ). Not this morning. NOT AT ALL! I feel like I'm in that commercial where the swimmers are trying to swim the backstroke through a pool of honey or molasses or something like that. That's just crazy! Isn't it? A couple of questions for you: Are you an early riser or would you rather stay up late? Do you prepare for the week - set...