
Showing posts from June, 2011


Reading through the book of Matthew right now.  This morning I read Matthew 3:18-22 .  It's the calling of the first four disciples - Peter, Andrew, James, and John.  There is so much in this passage, but here's a couple of points that just just jumped out at me: Jesus called four everyday, work-a-day guys to be His first four followers.  There was absolutely nothing special about these guys.  We would have probably looked right over them.  They had no position, power, or pedigree.  These guys didn't have a place in the temple, they weren't out spoutin' prayers and rules.  They were just doing life.  In fact Jesus found them working.  I picture Peter as a 4-wheel truck driving, bass boat owning, "Ain't Skeered!" sticker kind of guy. These are the kind of guys Jesus started His ministry with. Jesus saw past all of that.  Jesus saw commitment and a work ethic.  He saw potential.  He four guys that would be instrumental in ...